5 Safety Tips for Pedestrians in Utah
Walking close to a road or intersection can be scary and dangerous. Pedestrians are vulnerable and susceptible to an injury from an accident, especially with the lack of protection between you and the road. However, pedestrians also have a shared responsibility to maintain their safety while walking next to a road. Pedestrians must follow a […]
Whiplash can Cause Lasting Trauma & Pain
The most common injury people suffer from a rear-end car accident is whiplash. Being a common injury does not mean that it’s not a serious one. The injury could start with neck pain symptoms, but sometimes it worsens and can become a problem, leading to lasting pain and trauma. What is Whiplash? As the name […]
5 Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Utah
Trucks are significant contributors to the national economy, as well as the local economy in Utah. However, it comes at a bad price, the catastrophic accidents and lives lost. Big 18-wheelers caused 3,341 in 2011 in Utah – 283 of which were fatal. Learning what causes trucking accidents can help you avoid and prevent them. […]
Remember to Wear Your Seat Belt
In reading the online news, I saw that a man was killed on July 30, 2020, in a Nephi Canyon rollover crash that left his passenger critically injured in a hospital. About 8:42 a.m., the man was eastbound in a 1999 Ford Explorer on state Route 132 in Nephi Canyon when he drifted on the […]
Avoid Car Accidents this Winter
How most car accidents happen Almost daily, you drive to and from work; you may witness a fender-bender on the side of the road or nearly get hit yourself. You ask yourself, why does this happen way too often? The reason accidents happen so frequently is because some behaviors and circumstances occur way too often. […]
Accident Comparison of Seat Belt Wearing
Always Wear a Safety Belt in a Car By now, every responsible driver should know the importance of wearing a safety belt. This is true for everyone in the vehicle as well. Whether we are talking about a short drive to a corner store a couple of blocks away or a long road trip, either […]