Walking close to a road or intersection can be scary and dangerous. Pedestrians are vulnerable and susceptible to an injury from an accident, especially with the lack of protection between you and the road. However, pedestrians also have a shared responsibility to maintain their safety while walking next to a road. Pedestrians must follow a set of rules to keep themselves and other pedestrians/vehicle drivers safe. Our attorneys at Hernandez Law have compiled a list of rules you should keep in mind so you can commute and enjoy the fresh air while you walk.
Safe Walking Location
Pedestrians should only find themselves walking in designated safe walking sections along the road, such as sidewalks, crosswalks, bridges, and any other safe walkways. If at any point you find that there is not a crosswalk, cross the road in a well-lit area and make sure you have a lot of room to ensure you are 100% safe to cross. This is not the time to get impatient; most high-speed collisions are fatal. Various roads prohibit pedestrian use, such as highways. Keep in mind where you’re walking.
Vehicles are passing you at high speed, and they don’t have enough time to react if they can’t see you. It’s extremely effective that you make yourself as visible as possible if you’re walking during nighttime hours.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 30 percent of pedestrian-auto accident fatalities occur between 8 pm and 11:59 pm.
Pedestrians can make themselves more visible to motorists by:
- Making eye contact with an approaching motorist as often as possible
- Wearing light and bright-colored clothing at night
- Travel in well-lit areas to increase visibility
Remain Alert
Every pedestrian should pay attention to their surroundings, nearby roadways, and the behavior of approaching vehicles at all times. It’s safe to assume that every driver is distracted and unaware of pedestrians near the road. If you see a motorist that is driving recklessly, try avoiding the path to the approaching vehicle.
Resist Temptation
Pedestrians should resist the temptation to use items that could cause them to become distracted when walking next to a high-traffic road. Should a pedestrian become distracted, they could unknowingly walk into the road or fail to follow traffic laws.
Common ways pedestrians can become distracted:
- Listening to music with headphones
- Texting/Talking on the phone
- Reading while walking
Avoid Consuming Alcohol
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, nearly half of all pedestrian-auto accidents involve alcohol consumption. Just as drivers are not to drink and drive, pedestrians should avoid roadways when consumed alcohol. It is indeed better to stay safe than to take the risk when you are impaired.
Best Pedestrian Personal Injury Attorney in Utah
If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident, seek medical attention as soon as possible; there is a chance that you have injuries that are unknown to you. Then contact an attorney to help you recover compensation for your damages. Call our attorneys here at Hernandez Law for a free consultation.