I can hardly wait for those long summer days to be here – bringing with it the sights, sounds, and smells of happiness, laughter, family, and fond memories.  Thankfully, that wait is almost over.  Of course, a  favorite of summer is to enjoy the open road on a motorcycle.  While I certainly don’t want to put a damper on any enjoyable summer activities, I do implore everyone to be cautious and safety-minded if operating a motorcycle or riding on one.
According to the Utah Department of Transportation, motorcycle accidents have increased since the 1990s.  Despite, this they go on to state that approximately only 61% of riders wear a helmet.  Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle can be the single most important thing you can do to prevent serious injury or even death.  Under Utah law, anyone riding on a motorcycle who is under the age of 18 must wear a helmet.
The Utah Department of Transportation went on to cite the following as the highest contributors to motorcycle crashes:  (1) speed; (2) following too close; (3) failing to keep in proper lane; (4) ran off-road; and (5) evasive action or swerving.  Do not be one of these statistics – be safety-minded and use care and caution when operating a motorcycle.
Not only must care and caution is applied but extra attention must be utilized when operating a motorcycle.  Drivers of cars tend to overlook or not see motorcycles. The Utah Department of Transportation cites the statistic that roughly one-third of 28% of drivers who hit motorcyclists were turning left and failed to see the motorcycle.
In 2016 a study was done in the US  which arrived at the consensus that wearing a helmet cut the risk of suffering from a traumatic brain injury in half when a rider wore a helmet.  The American Journal of Surgery published the report and quoted that those injured were 44% less likely to suffer a fatal injury when compared to those who were not wearing a helmet.  Likewise, the CDC has estimated that helmets saved 1,859 lives in 2016.  Furthermore, helmets reduce the risk of death by 37% and head injury by 69%.
I sincerely hope you enjoy all that summer has to bring with it with absent any accidents or injuries.  That said, should you suffer a motorcycle injury, or have questions or concerns regarding a motorcycle accident, contact one of our legal professionals today to discuss your rights.