Winter is Coming for Utah’s Roads

Are you ready for that time of year? That’s right – snow and ice storms will soon be here. It is hard to believe, but the winter months are approaching, and with it comes the safety issues of increased slip and falls. You have many ways to help reduce your chance of slipping and falling […]

The Dangers of Winter Driving

There is absolutely nothing near to a shortage of examples where severe winter months components have created car accidents in Utah. Just a couple of days ago, there were several auto accidents only off I-15, with several cars being involved as well as numerous lefts hurt. The annual rate of crashes has increased by a […]

How to Prepare for Winter Driving Conditions

Summer and winter bring their own unique set of challenges for drivers with each season’s change. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, over half a million car accidents happen each winter. Staying safe and alert while the snow is falling is essential for you, your family, and your friends. The last thing we […]

Avoid Car Accidents this Winter

How most car accidents happen Almost daily, you drive to and from work; you may witness a fender-bender on the side of the road or nearly get hit yourself. You ask yourself, why does this happen way too often? The reason accidents happen so frequently is because some behaviors and circumstances occur way too often. […]