One of the most critical pieces of information you can provide to your lawyer is updated and comprehensive contact information for you. Often, clients move, change numbers, or create new email addresses without giving this new information to their lawyer. Lawyers cannot effectively represent you if they cannot provide communication with you. They cannot update you with the status of your case nor advise you of hearings or deadlines. Unfortunately, I have known lawyers who have had to withdraw from representing a client simply because they cannot locate them.
Provide Contact Information
Updated contact information is especially important now, more than ever, as many physical offices are closed or have limited access due to COVID-19, and communication primarily occurs through the use of technology. Communication takes place with your lawyer much more often than in the past through email, Zoom, or WebEx conferences. Telephones are utilized, but as more people work from home, calls need to be routed or transferred, and cellphone coverage can be anything but stable.
A personal email address (not your work one) is handy for transmitting letters, documents, and pleadings. Email transmission started becoming more popular with the going green campaign. Now, email is nearly essential to enable consistent and ongoing communication with clients. Be sure you have a working email address and check it regularly for incoming mail.
Virtual Meetings During COVID-19
It seems that Zoom has become one of the more utilized means of communication to comply with COVD-19 and social distancing measures. Zoom can be utilized from your computer with speakers and a camera or through your cell phone. It allows multiple people at various locations to link into a meeting with both sound and visualization. It is a reliable, cloud-based software that only requires a link from the coordinator for you to click. You also can mute your speakers so you can listen in or join by voice only with no visualization.
WebEx is the video conferencing software that appears to be the Court’s preference. During COVID-I9, I have attended several court hearings conducted via WebEx. The Clerk of the Court will send out a link or an Outlook calendar invite for you to click on at the hearing time. You are then essentially in-chambers with the Judge.
Remember, – help us help you. Keep your lawyer updated with your contact information.