Reading recent headlines has been somewhat abysmal, especially as of late. I often find it hard to pay attention to the headlines as I am at a point in my life where I need uplifting news, the spreading of love and compassion, and stories that build my faith in humanity. That said, I wanted to discuss some sobering statistics that were shared at the conclusion of Utah’s 100 Deadliest Days of Summer campaign. My hope is that through awareness and education we can eradicate or greatly reduce these deadly statistics. If this blog makes even one person stop and reconsider their actions, then I consider that a success.
The 100 Deadliest Days campaign runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day each year. During that time frame for the past two years, it was reported that on average one person lost their lives each day on Utah’s road. Officials went on to report that approximately 94% of the accidents were directly attributable to human error. These errors cost the lives of loved ones, parents, children, friends, and family members. I do find it noteworthy to point out that there was a significant dust storm that did account for the largest deadly crash experienced on the highways over the summer – a tragedy caused by Mother Nature that is out of our control. That said, the other 94% of fatal crashes were caused by human error and actions. Of these, 76 drivers or cars and trucks lost their lives, 12 motorcyclists, 12 pedestrians, and 1 cyclist. 10 of these fatalities took the lives of teenagers.
Officials are urging drivers to maintain a calm and collected composure behind the wheel. Two different State Departments have reported an increase in aggressive driving, speeding, running red lights, and road rage incidents. Quite frankly, there is no excuse for this type of behavior. Nearly everyone is feeling the pressure and frustrations of the past year and a half. Let’s work together as a whole to try and heal rather than continue to perpetuate problems and the loss of life.
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle crash and would like to discuss your case with one of our experienced professionals, feel free to contact our office today.