School Zone Collisions: Why do they happen?

Driving through Saratoga Springs, we have noticed that people speed a lot through school zones. It has left us wondering, why do these school zone collisions keep happening? Here is what our research has brought to our attention. Distracted Students Many students (roughly 80%) in middle and high school engage in unsafe street-crossing behavior, such […]

5 Tips: How to Safely Ride a Bicycle at Night in Utah

Safety is not a guaranteed luxury when you’re riding a bicycle; it is a learned skill. If you are going to take your bike out for a ride after dusk, there are a couple of precautions you should be taking to ensure your safety.  If you or a loved one has been injured in a […]

A History on Election Day and Voting

November 3, 2020, is Election Day. Given this, I wanted to write and express the importance of getting out and voting. The English implemented voting in the 17th century after they landed in Virginia. Voting was for white males who owned land. In the early days, the ballot was accompanied by eating, drinking, and parades. […]