What Happens if you are Bitten by a Dog

Vicious or misbehaved dogs pose a risk to all Utah residents, especially children. A dog bite should be taken seriously. Often, children do not know how to approach dogs. Even children who are taught may forget and end up being threatened by the dog. Aggressive dogs will often chase children if they are outside of […]

What You Shouldn’t Say To An Insurance Adjuster

You were in a car accident, you’ve given your statement and exchanged insurance information with the other vehicle involved. You may have been injured, or maybe the other vehicle’s driver was injured. Either way, you have probably been traumatized as to what happened and what will happen next. 64,597 car crashes occurred in Utah in […]

What Exactly Does Negligence Mean?

The term personal injury covers many different aspects.  In order to have a successful personal injury claim, negligence needs to be established.  How exactly do you do that?  Moreover, how does the law determine and define negligence?  According to www.law.cornell.edu, negligence is defined as: A failure to behave with the level of care that someone of […]

Understanding Various Types of Injury Claims

If you find that you have been involved in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation from the person that caused your injury. In a personal injury case, you are entitled to economic and non-economic damage claims. Economic damages are your out-of-pocket expenses or financial losses resulting from the accident that caused your injuries. […]